Verse for the Day Love entails devotion. So it is hard work. Love honours the other person first. So love is risky. Let's do it. Ymlaen!
Five minutes in a field with a fencing problem ...
Sincere: 1. Free of dissimulation (honest) 2. Free from adulteration (pure - 'a sincere doctrine') 3. Marked by genuineness (true) 4. Absence of hypocrisy (but if you can be called on to DO it, it must be an act of will not just emotion or feelings) #DeepMonday
Just under nineteen minutes on living quietly and peacefully through troubling times
Retained and ignored guilt are both killers. Don't weaponise it. Don't vegetate under it. Micah's a smart lad. Listen to Micah.
Verse for the Day For 'help' to be help, it needs to ... help! Heads up. He does. He, Himself helps His 'heads up' crew who always look up to Him for it.
Verse for the Day My father used to say to the young me: 'Pin back yer lug 'oles'. (And you needed to, or they'd get 'boxed'!) With Jesus the responsibility is non-coercively placed on us to actively listen up. Taking initiative to do so is required. OK. Let's go!
Verse for the Day: Tell me what you want, what you really, really want ... (Might it look like this?) DM me if you like and we could chat our way through Hope Explored to see if this works for you.
God's amnesty runs every day. (And its on those bends in life where He often goes looking the most.)
Verse for the Day 'What d'you reckon, Helgar ... truth or spoof?' Always ask a cow. They do seem to prioritise what truly matters for them, and they can be SO sensible. (Although ... for a definitive answer ... you'd probably better ask their Divine Architect).
Of course darkness doesn't always look dark, particularly (for example) if you're asleep in it! But sleep walking is just as dangerous as walking about in the dark. So this is a verse not simply for days we FEEL are dark ... but for every day that actually is.
... and you've no idea how you're going to sort this out ... Who's there for you? Check this verse and the Word for the Week video that expands on it👇
Living with the things in life you just can't reconcile or understand ... this is 30-minutes on that.
Eight minutes on dealing with the STRESS of it.
Hope. Peace. Purpose. Three week course. Who's up for it? DM me.
Verse for the Day Anxiety can be awful. But, generally, if you don't ask: you don't get. Who're you going to call (on)?
Christianity is no 'penny-in-the-slot' religion and prayer is no gaming machine where you pull the handle and sometimes pennies fall out. It's all relationship. And in a relationship, it's about what the other person wants too. (Especially if they are the Boss!)
Do you reckon one twelve-second video short could bring a life-changing realisation and change of direction?
Verse for the Day GIGO (Garbage In: Garbage Out)? Maybe. But GIGO might also stand for Generosity In: Generosity Out. I think I'm going to run with the latter this post-'Storm Isha' Monday. Join me? (Happy Monday!)