Twenty-six minutes on what the Church is and what it is for and how that addresses 'casualty de-churching' that's been accelerating rapidly rapidly in the West since 1990.
Six minute Word for the Week from y GRWP
Twenty-two minuted from y GRWP about feeling vulnerable in a hostile world ... and it's cure
Under one minute trailer for the exposition of Ephesians 1:19-23 in the 'bible Expositions Studiocam' playlist on this channel
Verse for the Day: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 Leveraging peer pressure for advantage? Not a bad idea!
A practical sub-15 second animated Bible verse focus to meditate on today.
Is this a dragging-your-feet-Tuesday? The Bible's got something good for that ...
Twenty-four minutes arising from a case of preacher's anxiety ...
A quick (under 1 minute) intro. to 'Hebrews 3.and the Doctrines of Grace' ... which can be found here:
Seven minute Word for the Week on 'altruism' in the Christian Way