Just under twenty minutes from https://twitter.com/WelshRev at https://www.facebook.com/TyrBugail for https://www.facebook.com/Grace.Wales.online , https://welshrev.blogspot.com/and https://yGRWP.com
Show notes:
I. Introduction
II. Assyria's rise & Fall, 1:1-15
A. God appears in Glory, 1:1-8
1. Echoes beginning of Micah & end of Habakkuk
B. Contrasts fate of arrogant Nations and God's faithful remnant,1:9-15
III. The Battle and Fall of the city of Nineveh, 2:1-13
IV. Downfall of Assyria as a whole, 3:1-19
B. Institutional Violence had sowed the seeds of its destruction
C. Ancient Near Eastern 'Taunt Song' against the Fallen King of Assyria, 3:19
V. Conclusion