How do we decide what's true?
I don't mean in a big philosophical way
I just mean in a get reaction day to day way
how do we decide what the truth is
when we're bombarded with information
when we're scrolling through our Facebook news feeds
and articles pop up when friends send us
and suggest links of videos to watch
how do we decide in all of that what's true?
I'm gonna say that there's two ways
at least that we use
that's more of a knee jerk reaction
in making judgments
about the things that people tell us
The first way we decide what is true
the first one is this
unwittingly perhaps without even think about it
thinking about it we make a judgment based on who it is
that's providing the information
whether that's the friend who sharing it
and thought we have about them
or the actual source of the news or the article
or whatever it is we'll already have an idea
and a picture of who they are
and if we like them then we tend to trust them
and if we dislike them then we tend to distrust them
if it's from a new source
that we accept as being legitimate and honest
then we won't ask many questions
but on the other hand
if it's from a source that we distrust
that we dislike we still won't ask the questions
we'll just decide straight away that it isn't true
the second way is a lot like that
and it has to do more with content of the message
the content of the article
of the video that we're watching
The second way we decide what is true
the second way is whether we like what's being said
does it line up with
stuff that we already think is true
does it line up with something that we want to be true
we're more inclined to believe things
that we want to be true
than we are inclined to believe things that are
difficult to accept
or are expecting us to change the way we see the world
and ourselves and our place in it
see truth isn't nearly as objective
as we like to think it is
each and every day
we make judgments about whether we're gonna accept
suit in claims suit in statements
not by assessing the validity of those statements
but just by looking at who said it
and whether we like what they have to say
and my
3) Why people tend to reject the truth of the Bible
my worry I think that's the right way to describe it
my worry is that
far too many people have rejected the Bible
have rejected
the things that it says about Jesus Christ
because they've heard statements like this
the Bible is too old to be trustworthy
all the Bible that we have now has been edited
and fiddled with and doctored
too much for us to even know
what the people who originally wrote it wrote
or the Bible has been put together by a group
a sinister group
of old white men in a room to manipulate people
my worry is that we believed all sorts of statements
either because they've come from a source
who we naturally are inclined to trust
or simply because they
present us with a view of the world
a view of the Bible
that we're quite happy to carry on with
that it's much easier to distrust the Bible
than it is to explore it to engage with it
to read it to investigate it ourselves
to find out whether it's true
now the Bible is an incredibly varied book
and it would take far too long for me to
to go into the various reasons why we can trust it
over the next couple of weeks
we're gonna be looking
specifically at the gospel of John
one part of the New Testament
which is as close to a biography of Jesus's life
as you're ever gonna get
in it John makes this claim
I've written these things
so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah
the son of God and that by believing
you may have life in his name
I've written these things that you may believe
and instantly
that sets alarm bells off in people's minds
that sends them to the places
perhaps your places you would go to
as a reason and excuse to reject the Bible out of hand
you see John
that's why I can't trust what you've written
you've written it thousands of years ago
what's in the Bible now
I'm not sure is what you ever wrote
and anyway you have clearly
clearly got an agenda
do you expect me to believe a single word that you
I think John clearly does expect us to believe
and I think it's reasonable to believe
what John has written
not because those objections aren't important
but even spending a few more months thinking about them
considering them
we see that they're not really objections
to what John has written
or the Bible in general at all
let's face them one by one
1. The Bible is too old to be true
the first objection that it's just too old
John's gospel um
was written nearly 2,000 years ago
there are portions of the Bible
which are significantly older than that
and so our inclinations to say it's too old
it can't be trusted it can't be reliable
stop and think about what we're saying when we do that
we're saying that the age of something
determines whether it's true or not
that somehow
something could have been true a long time ago
but that truth decays over time
flip it on his head
and you see how really ridiculous that statement is
that because something is new
it must be true we know that's not the case
in any way
how old is too old
something that's five minutes too old
course not something that's five days too old
probably not but what about five months
five years five decades
five centuries you see
it's it's arbitrary where we draw the line in the sand
over what we would trust
if it was based purely alone on age
the idea that we can't trust the Bible
just because it's old simply doesn't make sense
that anybody was willing to stop and to think about it
2. It’s been meddled with
the second objection is that it's been meddled with
interfered with has been chopped and changed
and added to and taken away from over the years
has it when
by who
in what way
you know one of the fascinating things about the Bible
is that it is the most scrutinized
piece of literature in human history
it's been poked it's been prodded
it's been investigated
it's been questioned and interrogated
more than any other book in history
and it still remains standing
more work has been done researching the authenticity
the originality of the biblical text
than any other book and scholars
almost universally accept it to be a true
and accurate reflection
of what was written down in the first place
and they do that in a really interesting way
it might not sound convincing to begin with
but it really is
they do it
because of how many copies we have of documents
like John's Gospel
now it is fair to say
we do not have the original document written by John
but we have scores and scores and scores of copies
let me help you to understand why that's important
I got notes with me
here today notes to help me stay on track
um and just so you know
there's about a thousand to 1,500 words in those notes
now imagine
I asked everyone who was watching this to copy down
by hand those notes
we collect at the end maybe 100
150 um versions of my notes and truth be told
none of them would be 100% correct
if you're writing is anything like mine
you misspell words
you put punctuation in the wrong places
heaven forbid even whole paragraphs
might be missed out by people who are rushing
but here's the really amazing thing
is that your mistakes and my mistakes
and the mistakes of the person next to you
they wouldn't all be made in the same place
actually all of our mistakes would be easily spotted
by looking at all of the other copies
if you grabbed all those copies together
and decided to burn my original set of notes
you'd still be able to reproduce
with 99.9% accuracy and certainty
a representation of what was originally written
so the idea that it's been fiddled with
the idea that it's been meddled with
that doesn't stand up to scrutiny either
3. It’s pushing its own agenda
Well what about that last objection then
that you can't trust it
because it was written with such an obvious agenda?
I think there's a sense in which we're right to be
there's a sense in which we're right to be skeptical
of people who twist truth
in order to accumulate wealth
power and authority
our society is full of examples of men and women
who have been economical with the truth
or of told bold faced
bare faced lies in order to fatten their bank accounts
or to tighten their grip on authority
we should be
sometimes suspicious of people who have an agenda
but when we stop when we consider
what is the agenda of someone like John
who brought this account of Jesus's life
or the other people
who contributed to the New Testament
and the rest of the Bible
what do we suppose that they were after wealth
power fame
recognition reputation
privilege honour
once again history does not bear witness
to those things being the case
almost to a man the people who ruled the New Testament
suffered greatly for sharing the good news about Jesus
they were vilified they were um scorned
they were abused they were beaten
they were chased out of time
an awful lot of them were executed
for sticking to their story
the idea that they did it in order to accumulate wealth
or power or whatever
really doesn't hold water
because what they had was taken away
they suffered and were persecuted for what they wrote
and what they said
So what is the agenda?
because I think the agenda is really important
John says this: “these things that I have written
so that you may believe
believe that Jesus is the Messiah”
… the rescuer that he is the son of God
God made flesh …
“and that by believing you may have life in his name”
see John's agenda is that we would believe
and that we would have life
let me give you another example
of a content that was created
with a very specific agenda
that really proves that having that agenda
shouldn't undermine the message at all
when I was growing up I remember late October
early November there would be a series of adverts
that would always come on TV
there would be adverts featuring families out on a dark
winters nights
and fireworks exploding overhead
and wouldn't you know what
there was always one dumb kid
who would take off his mitten
reach out and grab a sparkler by the wrong end
quickly the advert would pan to a NE
where distraught family
were dealing with the serious burns
the injuries
that the firework had inflicted on this child
etched in my brain those adverts are
by the way I still can't go near a sparkler
I still don't like being in the same room as a sparkler
now clearly the makers of those adverts had an agenda
and the agenda was we wanted to keep you
we want to keep your family
we want to keep children in our country safe
when it comes to Bonfire Night
knowing that they have that agenda
doesn't in any way
undermine the truthfulness or the validity
or the impact that those adverts have had
or should have and I'd argue exactly the same with John
and his record of Jesus's life ministry miracles
teachings comings going death resurrection
we're fortunate to know
exactly what John wants us to do with it
he wants us to believe and he wants us to find life
and that doesn't undermine
that doesn't invalidate anything that he writes does it?!
Conclusion – John’s agenda: so you might have life in His Name
So let's think about that agenda then
let's think about what John expects to happen
if you and I read his gospel
we read his account of who Jesus is
and what he has done
he expects us to believe and he expects us to find life
I genuinely believe that
if you take the time to read John Gospel
you'll see how massive a claim that is
we think of life maybe simply in terms of being alive
but life is a massive theme
the sort of life that Jesus is described as bringing
is more than just existence
it's flourishing it's full
it's lasting in a way that very often
we don't see or expect life to be
put it this way
imagine a desert
it's dry it's desolate
it's dead
it's just a wild wilderness where nothing can live
but it does exist it's there
now when you introduce a source of water
a spring stream a little pool and a puddle
what happens in that dead and dry place
life appears life actually flourishes
plants and palm trees and then animals all the sudden
there's this source of life
in the middle of dryness and death
and it couldn't exist without the water
and it wouldn't exist if the water was taken away
this is what John is suggesting
Jesus is to us
not just one who points us in the direction of life
not even just one who is like a doorman or a gatekeeper
who says here's life and I'll let you in
but the very source of life itself
you may have life in his name
and and the thing is
we actually agree with John if we're honest
that there is more to life than we often accept
than we often acknowledge
that's why we have phrases
when we're relaxing on holiday
or attacking into a fine meal
phrases like this is the life
because we know that something different is happening
we know that there are qualities and levels of living
and life
that's why we pursue various things
in order to find life and to maintain life
at the moment
some people might think that face masks are life
and no doubt for some in our community
they will
literally be the difference between life and death
for others as lockdown restrictions have been lifted
trips to the beach have become life
especially as we
we see some of the natural beauty and wonder around us
and glorious weather and we see it with fresh eyes
having not experienced it for so long
for some people relationships are life
and we can certainly feel like death has come on us
when relationships end for other people
financial security that's life
just having that worry that burden taken away
at last we can breathe and we can experience things
now I'm not saying those things are bad
in fact I go as far as to say those things are good
those things are great
but it's like being in that desert place
sitting under the shade of the palm tree
enjoying a cool set from the
from the the pond that's gathered there and thinking
these things are life
these things are gifts
that come from the source of life
from the spring that has sprung up
that is watering that place
take the spring away and those things will certainly go
without the springs we couldn't have those things
and John says that is who Jesus is
he is the source of life
not to play down the other things
the good things that we have in this world
but that without the source
we are really not living life at all
the amazing thing about the life that Jesus came
to give us is that it's a life that doesn't run out
when we search for life elsewhere
it's always life that's limited
it's life with an expiration date
but here John is pointing us to one whose final miracle
final act was rising from death
was defeating death you'll find life in John's Gospel
in so many weird and wonderful places
but none more surprising than the burial chamber
of Jesus of Nazareth
because it didn't remain a burial chamber
it became a
a testament to the fact that he is the source of life
able even to defeat death
that's the sort of life that John is saying
if we let our guards down
don't dismiss the Bible of what he has written
for all these false reasons
but come
and listen to his eyewitness accounts of who Jesus is
what he said and what he did
that we would find that sort of life
death conquering life life without an expiration date
life that truly satisfies
that's another trueism about the world that we live in
when we find that sensation of life in something
it runs out or we realize it's not quite enough
it doesn't quite satisfy us enough
it doesn't quench our thirst or or seeciate our hunger
John says the life that Jesus came to give
the life that we find when we come to him that's
that's a life that really satisfies
he says it's a life that's abundant
that's more than we could ever hope or dream or imagine
I don't know about you but I do hope
I do dream I do imagine
I do fantasize about holidays in various places
of having gizmos and gadgets in my life and my home
John says
the life Jesus and the life that I have come to give
you is above and beyond all your wildest expectations
and dreams and it's eternal
it's a it's a life that lasts on and on and on
John's offer is not to settle for anything else
then I guess John's offer
John's kindness to us
is to record all the things that he does about Jesus
so that we don't need to keep on being dry and dead
and desolate and
and wild like that desert
but that we can come to see and recognize
and have Jesus that
that spring of life that watering life
that brings with it fullness and lushness
even in a dry and a desolate place
problem is I think that for most of us
we settle for the dry we settle for the desolate
or in the midst of that that
when a thorny cactus
breathes its way out of the deadness
and the dryness
we cling on to that as if that is the life that we need
I deliberately use that picture
mind you because it's like grabbing hold of a cactus
it's sharp it's painful
it's ultimately disappointing
and it and it won't really do anything for us
no we have Jesus
a spring of life in the midst of death
sometimes though
life can still feel like death
even when you have Jesus there's no denying that
that life now in this world is hard
it's disappointing it's frustrating
it's full of worries and anxieties and cares
but I think here's another wonderful offer from Jesus
that if we fix our eyes on him
if we continue to see him
to focus on him
we'll see and we will experience true and abundant life
as Christians one of the mistakes we can make
is to take our eyes off Jesus
as if we're at the edge of that oasis in the desert
and we turn around in the other direction
and all we can see for miles and miles and miles
as far as the shimmering horizon
is more dryness and death and desolation
and we ask where
where is this life that you promised Jesus
and it's it's just there
he hasn't gone he hasn't run out
the life hasn't turned into death
we've just turned our gaze away from it
and John says not just come and believe
but keep coming keep seeing
keep believing and keep on enjoying life
in Jesus's name
Let me pray for us to finish
Lord God
we thank you for that life that Jesus has brought
we thank you for that life that Jesus is
look I'll be thank you for people like John
who saw and understood exactly who Jesus was
and why what he was doing was so important
and took the time and the energy
and was willing to sacrifice
in order to share that with us
so that we could come and we could see
and we could experience
Lord we admit that we are a thirsty sun scorched
parched people in the midst of that desert
that dryness that desolation
Lord we need the life that Jesus brings
help us to see that life
help us to move towards that life
and help us to remain there in that life
Lord I got God
I thank you
for the things that spring up because of that water
for the palm trees for the
for the soft lush
green grass
I pray that we would be people who enjoy those
and are thankful for those
but Lord
help us not to be people who fix our eyes on those
who give thanks for those
and not for the spring of life that is sprung up
help us to be truly thankful
filled with joy and love for Jesus
who's in whose name we have true and lasting life.